Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Configuring you're 2002 Windows Mobile Device with SBS

Windows Mobile 2002 doesn't exactly work out of the box with SBS 2003 the self-signed certificate CEICW creates.

You have a number of options to get these devices to work with SBS 2003. The best option of course is to get a trusted certificate from an appropriate certificate provider. A quick search on Google for cheap certificates reveals DigiCert, a place to get a $99 certificate.

Of course if that is too much for you, there is always the option of working with the specific device. Microsoft provides some tools to help you get these devices to work with self-signed certificates.

You can add the certificate to a Pocket PC 2002 device with Add Root Certificates

Microsoft provides another tool for Pocket PC 2002, and SmartPhone 2002 to disable the certificate check. This tool disables the validity check on the certificate for ActiveSync only. The certificate check will still be enabled on Pocket IE.

The certificate check includes:

  • A check to ensure the certificate has not expired

  • A check to ensure the certificate name matches the site you are visiting

  • A check to ensure the certificate is trusted with a root cert in the local store

My favourite saying has always been, go mobile, or go home!