Monday, February 07, 2005

Adding new Icons to SharePoint

So I know this has been posted about a billion times to other blogs. But I figured I might as well make my blog complete by telling you how to add your own icons (or change icons) that appear inside SharePoint for specific files.

The icon that I wanted to add was the movie icon for .mpg and .mpeg files. I simply opened up a folder in Windows Explorer and took a screen shot. Then I used my favourite simple picture editor (mspaint.exe) to strip out just the icon in question

Finally, I saved it up on the server under:%program files%\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\60\template\images as icmpeg.gif, which seems to be the convention for SharePoint.

The next step is to crack open the \template\xml\docicon.xml file in my favourite simple text editor (notepad.exe). I made a copy of this file first incase I screwed anything up. Then I searched for . I simply copied and pasted a new line from one of the existing icons and changed it three times (.mpg, .mpeg, and .avi).

Finally, I opened a run window and reset IIS using the command iisreset. Refreshing SharePoint caused the icon to show up immediately.

I can't take all the credit on this one, LauraJ had some good advice (and quite possibly some more information, if you get lost).

Icons are cool!


ITgirl said...

Is anyone aware of a way to allow users to create "covers" for the Picture library? For example, use a picture in the library as the cover for the folder?

Sean Daniel said...

Unfortunately no.