Monday, March 14, 2005

Blocking MSN Messenger with ISA

Wow, it's been a while since I posted. Last week I was on vacation and somewhat, disconnected. And of course I'm sure you all know what the week before you go on vacation is like, needless to say, blogging dropped to the bottom of my priority list for the two weeks.

Well, now that I'm tanned nicely, I figured I'd start blogging again.

I was browsing one of the many communities that I stay active in, and it occured to me that not everyone wants to have MSN messenger enabled on their business network. This could be either because you don't want company secrets being sent out via clear text to the Internet, or just because Mom doesn't need to talk to her son all day. I'm not going to get into the politics because I believe people should have all the tools neccessary to do their jobs, if it's deamed that IM is not one of them, Microsoft has provided a slick KB article on How to Disable MSN Messenger 6.0 traffic in ISA 2000.

Seems pretty simple, so I'll leave it at that.