So the
Exchange Team was kind enough to write up a long blog post regarding
Windows Server Backup included with Windows Server 2008.
However, some of the comments in this post need a little explaination, specifically around the "Exchange Aware Backup". The post mentions that the included Windows Server Backup is not aware of Exchange. This is in fact TRUE! Un-like NTBackup that would "light-up" Exchange backup and recovery features when Exchange was installed, the Windows Server Backup acts exactly the same way regardless of if Exchange is installed or not.
What I mean by this is the included backup application is VSS (Volume Snapshot Service) aware. Exchange 2007 provides a "VSS writer":
Try this at a an "elevated" command prompt:
vssadmin list writersWhat do you get?
Writer name: 'Microsoft Exchange Writer'
Writer Id: {76fe1ac4-15f7-4bcd-987e-8e1acb462fb7}
Writer Instance Id: {b2e17dae-6a8c-404c-a2b5-ebd4aa3a6277}
State: [1] Stable
Last error: No error
Among others...
When a Windows Server Backup is initiated, the backup application involks
all of the VSS writers on the system, to prepare, and clean-up their specific application for backup. For Exchange, this includes, ensuring the database is consistent
and trimming the Exchange log files after the database has been writen to the backup disk. Exchange's VSS writer does this, not the backup application.
This is not magic, but just how VSS backups work.
*Any* application that installs a VSS writer correctly, will be correctly managed by the built in Windows Server Management program, regardless if the backup solution is aware of the install or not.
If you're familiar with the old (
and I mean old!) NTBackup solution, Exchange provided "Streaming APIs" to stream the database out and into the database for backup purposes. Windows Server 2008 Backup does NOT take advantage of these, even though they are still available for 3rd party backup applications.
So, you SBS'rs, can rest assured Exchange is being backed up correctly on Windows Server 2008. You'll have to wait until
Windows Small Business Server 2008 releases (or jump in on the Beta, when it's available) to see the restore in action. ;o)